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Broadcast Sports
Judy Parnall

Judy Parnall

Head of Standards and Industry, BBC R&D

Judy is a passionate advocate of all things media and its positive power for audiences.

As Head of Standards & Industry in the BBC Research & Development, Judy coordinates on the strategy for the influencing industry and government for media technology innovation, including the BBC’s input to standards and industry bodies across production, broadcast and other media spheres.  She also looks at the impact of emerging technology on the media industry.

Judy has worked in the BBC for a number of years in both R&D and the corporate strategy areas. Her research interests have centre on the interaction of people with technology and services across all media and is leading work on Public Service Media in the Internet age.

Judy sat on the EBU’s Technical Committee since 2015 and chaired it between 2018 and 2022.   She also sits on the Steering Board of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity.  She won the Leadership Award in TVNewsCheck’s Women in Technology award, 2022.


  • Everybody sees what happens on the screen and what goes out, but there's so much work and effort goes into production, the preplanning and making these things happen, to be recognised for that work that goes on preproduction is amazing!
    Richard Wormwell
  • Being able to show those unsung heroes within the technical innovation space is a really important achievement and it's a great awards to be part of...
    David Harnett
    Timeline TV
  • To recognise people that do stuff that isn't normally recognised, you know it's normally the hosts, the executive producers and the creative directors, but yeah the technical stuff makes it happen!
    Lisa Edwards
    Studio Ramsay
  • We're such an important industry to the country, and to everyone we serve from our clients to everyone at home, and there's a huge amount of work that's gone into the last couple of years innovation wise and it's great to be recognised.
    Jai Cave
    Envy Post Production